The dashboard allows you to administrate your classes and students as well as monitor your student's progress. It is the control centre for all of your Student and Educator accounts!

The dashboard is designed to reflect the way schools typically organise students. Students are allocated to classes. Each class has a teacher, who is able to manage their own classes and students. 

Every Reading Doctor® Online school account also needs one Reading Doctor administrator who can manage your school's account. This person doesn't have to be a teacher who uses the program with students.

To log in to the dashboard, use a Google Chrome browser on a PC, Mac or Chromebook and to navigate to https://dashboard.readingdoctor.com. Enter your email address and password, then press 'Login':

You will be presented with your Dashboard:

If you are a teacher, click on the links to find out how to use your dashboard to:

If you are a Reading Doctor® administrator, you will see all of the teachers, classes and students using the program at your school in your Dashboard. You can perform extra functions in addition to those listed above in your Dashboard. Click on the links to find out how to: